Empower Community Doulas in New Mexico

Join Our Mission: Become a Monthly Donor

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Join Our Mission: Become a Monthly Donor

NMDA Generations: A Lifespan Doula Approach

The New Mexico Doula Association is a birth and reproductive-justice focused organization led by community activists, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) who represent our diverse statewide communities.
Our mission is to continue the legacy of community-based doula services while advocating for systemic change in healthcare to ensure equitable access and outcomes for all. We do this through direct services, advocacy, and education.
We believe that everyone has the right to affordable, obtainable, gender-affirming, and culturally-humble support for the full-spectrum of reproductive experiences including pregnancy, birth, postpartum, abortion, and loss.

NMDA Generations: A Lifespan Doula Approach

At the heart of the association is a lifespan doula approach which embodies our commitment to providing continuous, holistic doula support that spans the entire spectrum of human experience. This inclusive approach acknowledges and honors the diverse and evolving needs of individuals and families from conception through the end of life. By integrating this lifespan perspective, doulas are equipped to offer personalized, culturally humble support that empowers individuals at every stage of life, ensuring that every transition, whether it be birth, parenting, loss, or end-of-life, is approached with compassion, dignity, and respect. Through "NMDA Generations," we advocate for a world where the wisdom and care of doulas enrich the lives of all people, across all generations.
Your Impact
Your contribution, whether a one-time gift or a recurring donation, is a powerful commitment to a future where people accessing care are supported. These contributions are not only vital resources for us but also your statement of belief in a world that values inclusive and compassionate care for all. Remember, every donation is tax-deductible, and receipts will be provided immediately.
Why Your Support Matters
Your support enables us to train and providing sustainable thriving wages for a diverse, culturally competent doula workforce, equipped to provide the highest standards of care. It ensures that our advocacy and support for community birthworkers continue, helping them to be the backbone of a thriving, compassionate, and skilled workforce.
Join Us in This Journey of Transformation
Your donation to the New Mexico Doula Association is a tangible action of hope and change, bringing us closer to a world where safe, respectful, and personalized reproductive care and support is a universal right.
Donate Today
If you prefer to mail a check, please follow these instructions.
Please make the check out to our fiscal sponsor and mail to:
Center of Southwest Culture
505 Marquette Ave NW, Suite 1610
Albuquerque, NM, 87102
Note: NMDA
Together, let's build a healthier, more inclusive future for maternal and infant health and the full cycle of reproductive healthcare needs of New Mexicans.